Lockdown update: 9th April


Our team in India are experiencing a country-wide strict lockdown and the news stories emerging from across the country are extremely concerning. Our tailors are based in Dharamsala, in the Himalayan foothills, which hasn't yet had an outbreak of cases providing at least some reassurance for them. 

The economic impact on India is difficult to fathom and we are trying to focus on what we can control. We mentioned in our last update that we aren't in a strong enough financial position to take on significant additional debt, and all the uncertainty makes it difficult to set realistic and honest expectations on completing future POs. 

We are in on-going discussions with a variety of stakeholders about partnering with other small businesses that are facing similar challenges with the goal of reducing the negative fallout and building future opportunities for employment in India. We have always placed a strong emphasis on partnering with social enterprises and not-for-profits - this crisis is creating opportunities for us to take this to another level.

If any good can come from the destruction caused by Coronavirus, it would be fantastic if the social impact and environmental initiatives of companies like Visible could grow through collaboration and formal partnerships.

In the immediate term, during this period of no income and with the factory closed, we are continuing to ask for gifts to assist paying our Indian staff. If you feel able to donate at this time, please go to our donations page or reply to this email if you would like the bank details to do a bank transfer. Every donation helps and 100% of the money you give goes to our Indian staff. Thank you for considering this request at a time when so many around the world are in need.

Thank you again for your support and we hope you are safe.

Best wishes,

Andy & Andy

Visible Clothing
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