Lockdown update: 30th April


Visible supporters have made contributions equivalent to half of what our Indian team have been paid since the start of the lockdown period. Thank you. If you haven't given and would like to do so please click here; 100% of your gift goes to our team in Dharamsala, India.

Lockdown in the majority of India is strict and although there have been some improvements in some states, our team continues to face a challenging time. The lockdown in its current form is scheduled to end on Sunday, however there is no certainty as to whether all factories will be allowed to open then or if restrictions will continue for a further period.

Our team makes garments to order and we therefore have minimal inventory of finished goods, most of which is stored at the factory. Due to t-shirt orders from conferences not likely to proceed this year, we have a very limited number of t-shirts available in the UK and US. Those of you who supported us from the very beginning of Visible will be well aware of these original t-shirts which received rave reviews!

Thank you for your support and we hope you and the people you love are healthy and safe.

Visible Clothing
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